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Fiddle, fiddle, fiddle

We really need some sort of unifying theme to these posts, but what would it be? What hope is there in ever finding one? Thoughts become ever more scattered and the things that compete for attention are legion.

Well, as promised we continue to play around with themes and organization. What? You thought this I had forgotten about this endeavor? Never! Anyway, Edward Tufte is something of personal deity around these parts, so imagine the excitement when our Investigations Department discovered the delightful tufte css for styling web pages. Tufte has inspired a generation of web designers so it's nice to pay some homage from this site.

Things are far from perfect, though! While our Senior Editor finds the larger et-book font much easier on the eyes, he still is not sure about that very wide left margin. Maybe someone else has done a better job elsewhere. Rumour is that someone built a tufte theme for jekyll. More work for the ID (as if they didn't already have enough).